Croatia Property Sales is one of the Croatia's leading real estate agencies covering Dalmatia and the islands, specializing in International sales of coastal property, first line property for sale in Croatia and traditional Dalmatian stone houses.
Croatia Property Sales is one of the Croatia's leading real estate agencies covering Dalmatia and the islands, specializing in International sales of coastal property, first line property for sale in Croatia and traditional Dalmatian stone houses.
Dobro došli na stranicu Nekretnine Anita Tim! Želimo Vam ugodan boravak i uspješan pronalazak Vaše nove nekretnine.
NaÅ¡a tvrtka posjeduje certifikat sustava upravljanja kvalitetom ISO 9001:2008, Äime dodatno potvrÄ‘ujemo kvalitetu naÅ¡ih uslugai usklaÄ‘enost uslužnih procesa s najzahtjevnijim europskim normama.
Croatia Property Sales is one of the Croatia's leading real estate agencies covering Dalmatia and the islands, specializing in International sales of coastal property, first line property for sale in Croatia and traditional Dalmatian stone houses.
Broker real estate is the lead agency for asset management in the area of ​​the eastern Adriatic coast. Through high-quality work with a long experience and tradition of over 25 years, every day we are expanding our business network, allowing our customers a wide range of choice of exc
Najam,prodaja i zakup nekretnina, procjena nekretnina, osiguranje nekretnina, oglašavanje na stranom tržištu, energetski certifikati, home staging....