Bucharest is the capital city,industrial,and financial center of Romania. It is the largest city in Romania.Bucharest is the most prosperous city in Romania being one of the main industrial centers and transportation hubs of Eastern Europe.
Several leading Real Estate developers, in connection with the acquisition, development and operation of major retail and residential projects in and around Bucharest and throughout Romania, representing investments exceeding EUR 1,000,000,000.With many companies,agencies and estate agents,Bucharest is a city were real estate will give you a good opportunities to invest successful.
BLISS imobiliare is a professional and reliable Romanian real estate consultancy agency that works for you and with you to achieve the best possible transaction for you. No matter if you are an owner of a property or you are looking to buy or rent a property we are here to make it happen!
NORDIS is a real estate company in Bucharest, Romania, specialized in high-end properties. Our premium services include assitance for buying, selling, renting properties and also investing, developing and managing real estate projects and portfolios. From 2008 until today, Nordis has developed harm
Otho Estate developed and adapted all necessary skills to create a market-savvy, flexible team ready to support all our customers real estate moves. Our focus is on results and customer satisfaction. As a potential customer and friend you will appreciate our real estate services, management, law enf
Elite Properties s-a fondat în anul 2015, având o echipă profesionistă de consultanÈ›i imobiliari cu experiență în domeniu de peste 10 ani.DeÈ›inem un portofoliu de proprietăți premium, atractive prin locaÈ›ie, design È™i confortul oferit viitor
Because we know that it is very difficult to call „HOME” to every house, we set up ImoPrest, the Real Estate Company that helps you find the place that best suit to you and your family. We started our activity in 2009, but we have more then ten years experience in the real estate market.
Our agency offers our clients more than a new property, it grants them access to an exclusive lifestyle. This is the Palace Estate philosophy, which guides all our team's decisions. From counseling expats in the process of relocating to Romania to presenting the ideal properties that cater to our Ro
Cu o experienta semnificativa de 20 de ani pe piata romaneasca de real estate, Regatta s-a constituit, de-a lungul timpului, ca un brand solid, reusind sa devina o referinta in domeniul imobiliar.
195.ro Imobiliare din 1995 Agentie imobiliara Bucuresti Apartamente de vanzare, case de vanzare, terenuri de vanzare, apartamente de inchiriat, case de inchiriat in zona 1 Mai, Bucurestii Noi, Kiseleff, Aviatorilor, Baneasa si Aviatiei. Agentia imobiliara 195.ro Imobiliare din 1995 ofera servicii de
Ceda Real Consult - real estate agency Specialized departments for Residential, Office, Retail, Industrial and logistics, Land, Valuation, Income properties Our professionals are dedicated to creating strategic partnerships with our clients. Through careful listening and a system of uncovering clien
Cel mai nou ansamblu imobiliar din seria Apollo Residence Berceni si poate cel mai complet de pana acum, uimitor ca si concepere, deosebit ca si arhitectura si poate cel mai bine gandit proiect imobiliar pe care echipa sudrezidential.ro are azi onoarea sa il sustina si sa il promoveze.
Aristocrat Real Estate provides real estate consulting services to high professional standards. We are the only agency in Corbeanca partner ABI (Association of Real Estate Brokers) and European building standard. All our team members have graduated from the school of real estate brokers and real es
Asmita Gardens este un complex rezidential central, situat in zona Tineretului din Bucuresti, care pune la dispozitie apartamente de lux: apartamente studio, apartamente 2 camere – tip A, apartamente 2 camere – tip B, apartamente 3 camere si apartamente 4 camere.
Compania Omnix City vine pe piata cu un nou proiect residential numit "AVANGARDE FOREST " compus din 24 vile, P+1+2R pasive , cu circuit inchis, situat intr-o zona linistita, in mijlocul naturii departe de agitatia cotidiana si in acelasi timp cu servicii excelente care vor asigura in totalitate con
Having been an expat myself I understand your expectations in regard to the quality of the materials and finish, design and the service you need from an agency to make the transition a comfortable experience. We try to deliver the best of what I myself experienced in our own house-hunting adventures
We live in an always changing world, where people switch countries and cities within the blink of an eye. They re-envisage their future, upgrade their homes and invest in property. Our vision turns around three axes: your home, your business, your future. With Bucharest Nadlan Company, it’s al
Casa Cumperi este o companie de consultanta imobiliara care activeaza pe piata rezidentiala din Bucuresti, Cluj si Pitesti.
Suntem o agenţie imobiliară, specializată în proprietăţi de lux, dedicată înţelegerii cerinţelor unice ale clienţilor doritori de servicii ireproşabile.
Cubic Residence a aparut pe piața imobiliară din România cu un obiectiv clar declarat: de a formula noi concepte pentru spațiile de locuit din capitală.
Dream Residence este un ansamblu de apartamente noi, localizat in apropiere de piata Rahova, dezvoltat de societatea Home Store Investment.Proiectul imobiliar urmareste sa ofere pietei din Bucuresti apartamente care sa raspunda tuturor nevoilor locative - cu 1,2 sau 3 camere
Compania noastra este specializata in consultanta, intermediere si asistenta juridica pentru incheierea tranzactiilor imobiliare de vanzare-cumparare si inchiriere.Acordam intreaga noastra atentie fiecarui client oferindu-i servicii de cea mai buna calitate si totodata asistenta necesara incheierii
Avand in vedere ca piata de profil din Romania este o piata dinamica, compania GALAXY IMOB®, firma cu capital romanesc 100%, si-a propus si a reusit sa devina unul dintre cei mai importanti actori din acest teatru de actiune.
In cei 10 ani de activitate, GoldenKey Premium Real Estate a devenit una din cele mai importante companii imobiliare din zona de nord a Bucurestiului si un reper al profesionalismului fara compromisuri. Peste 3000 de clienti ne considera astazi compania de real estate specializata in propr
Obiectivul nostru este de a facilita intermedierea tranzactiilor imobiliare, intelegand nevoile celor care ne solicita serviciile. IMOBE Bucharest Real Estate vine in intampinarea clientilor cu proceduri moderne de tranzactionare a imobilelor, promovand cele mai avantajoase oferte imobilia
IMOBE Bucharest Real Estate a fost infiintata in data de 09 ianuarie 2014, atunci s-a concretizat o idee, un proiect pe care, cu ajutorul oamenilor cu care am interactionat si cu mult efort, am reusit sa-l crestem, extinzandu-ne orizonturile in ceea ce priveste acest frumos, vast si captivant domeni
MagazinulDeCase.ro este PRIMUL portal imobiliar din România, unde sunt publicate anunțuri imobiliare, proprietari, agenții și dezvoltatori imobiliari.
Agent Imobiliar Servicii:inchirieri;vanzari;schimburi de terenuri, apartamente, vile, spatii comerciale etc.
NEOLAND REAL ESTATE ofera toata gama de servicii pentru campanii de marketing imobiliar, punand la dispozitia clientilor servicii de consultanta, cercetare si studii de piata, avand ca principal obiectiv proiectele rezidentiale. In acest sens, NEOLAND concepe campanii de marketing ce presupun ident
Serviciile noastre nu se rezuma la brokeraj, suntem consultant financiar, legal, broker de credite si partener al consumatorului final.
One United Properties is a real estate developer of premium residential compounds in the center and northern parts of Bucharest, Romania.
Established in 2008, Premier Estate Management is the real estate company of choice for residential developers as well as property investors.Our services include residential sales and lettings, commercial leasing and investment, consultancy, property & facility management and valuation.We have a
Suntem o echipa de tineri cu foc interior care lucreaza cu unelte ca: ambitia, dorinta si puterea de a va ajuta, know-how adunat din specializari diverse, experienta in imobiliare, retea vasta de colaboratori apropiati din industrie si poate in primul rand sinceritatea cu care abordam fiecare relati
REALE CONNECTIONS este o companie de consultanta ce activeaza in zona de brokeraj in real-estate si business-uri, specializata pe zona de "distress" si care promoveaza activele din portofoliul jucatorilor din acest domeniu: - banci - administratori judiciari/lichidatori - executori judecatoresti
Suntem o echipa de specialisti in consultanta imobiliara, dedicati inchirierii si achizitiei de spatii de birouri. Experienta noastra in procesele de relocare, extindere sau intrare pe piata din Romania ne recomanda drept partener de incredere in identificarea de solutii imobiliare optime pentru com
We are a young and dynamic team, members of ARAI (Romanian Association of Real Estate Agencies) and we can offer you safety in your transactions, professionalism, confidentiality and flexibility. Our agency can assist you with appraising the real estate, the cadastral survey , urgently perfecting th
We, at Tudor Estates believe that "It's not the journey, it's the destination" that matters, because either you are a resident or an expatriate delegated here with work and you are staying for a definite period of time, at the end of each day "your every journey ends home". Therefore we have made it